The CPM organized, on November 29th, at FALDA Antanimena - Antananarivo, a national workshop on the rural development in Madagascar and, it invited Mr. Willy RAKOTOMALALA, Director of Support to the Professional Organizations of the Rural World within the Ministry with the Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock, to shed more light on the said rural development. During his opening speech, Mr. Willy RAKOTOMALALA said that the State and the CPM have a similar vision concerning the establishment of structures from the bottom up. Still on the development sector of the rural world in Madagascar, he said the existence of a political framework that combines with the Malagasy Government's policy on the Sustainable Development Goal and the Malabo Declaration - Agriculture and Rural Development. Among others, there is the National Development Policy (PND), the Sector Program Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, all of which aim at the elimination of hunger, the increase of production, the control of internal and external markets, the reduction of the poverty rate. In fact, this meeting is described as enriching because it allowed us to know the policy of the Ministry to the Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock on rural development and we are more involved.

The participants during the workshop


As part of its partnership, the Coalition of Farmers in Madagascar (CPM) received the representative of the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) in Madagascar, from 27 to 29 October, in the person of Mr. Benito ELIASI.

The objectives of this visit by Mr Benito are clear:

  • to meet the members of the new groups who will be supported by the project in the municipalities of Tsinjoarivo Imanga, Ambatolampy and Fihaonana in order to raise their awareness;
  • meet with the leaders of the old cooperatives: the cooperative « TAMBATRA » for the commune of Maritampona, the « FTA » for that of Ankadinondry, « MIHARY » for Bemahatazana and « FANANTENANA » for that of Ambararatabe, all in Bongolava district

SACAU, through the CPM, supports the new cooperatives through the granting of fertilizers, seeds and training, on the one hand. It provides training for former cooperatives so that they can improve their activities on the other.

This partnership is part of the project « Strengthening Farmer Organizations in Africa Program (SFOAP) » and focuses on production and marketing of maize for farmers who are members of cooperatives in the Bongolava district.

The new groups of farmers in Tsinjoarivo Imanga Group photo during the meeting at CPM Bongolava region


Dans le cadre de son partenariat, la Coalition Paysanne de Madagascar (CPM) a reçu à Madagascar, du 27 au 29 octobre dernier, le représentant du Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), en la personne de Monsieur Benito ELIASI.

Les objectifs de cette visite de Monsieur Benito sont clairs :

  • rencontrer les membres des coopératives nouvellement créées dans les communes de Tsinjoarivo Imanga, Ambatolampy et Fihaonana dans le but de les sensibiliser ;
  • rencontrer les dirigeants des anciennes coopératives : la coopérative « TAMBATRA » pour la commune de Maritampona, la « FTA » pour celle d’Ankadinondry, « MIHARY » pour Bemahatazana et « FANANTENANA » pour celle d’Ambararatabe, toutes dans la Région de Bongolava.

La SACAU, par le biais de la CPM, soutient les nouvelles coopératives par l’octroi des engrais, des semences, ainsi que des formations, d’une part. Il offre ainsi des formations aux anciennes coopératives pour que ces dernières puissent améliorer leurs activités, d’autre part. Ce partenariat entre dans le cadre du projet « Strengthening Farmer Organizations in Africa Program (SFOAP) » et se porte sur la production et commercialisation du maïs pour les paysans membres des coopératives de la Région de Bongolava.


                              Le groupe de paysans de la commune d'Ambatolampy                                                       Photo de groupe lors de la réunion au siège CPM région Bongolava